Strategic Storytelling
Finding compelling ways to promote yourself isn't always as easy as running a nice advertisement.
The unique approach I take employs creative strategies to demonstrate your impact in a direct, professional and natural manner.
I learn the ins-and-outs of your organization to provide you with a fresh, refined narrative and action plan that combine to serve as a guiding light in all aspects of your operations.
When you run a non-profit or social enterprise, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd.
How it works
Taking inspiration from the foundations of strategic planning, I help find creative new ways to resonate with your stakeholders by:
Interviewing key volunteers and staff
Studying all communications materials, relevant data, history and activities in detail
Conducting strategic exercises such as surveying, SWOT analyses, storyboarding and benchmarking
Finding meaningful pathways to tell your story
Developing innovative, actionable strategies
Establishing core story beats for the organization to follow after our work is done
Additional Services
Our work together doesn’t have to stop with your new narrative. Services beyond the story include:
Strategic Assessments & Analyses
Narrative reviews of your existing work
Operational & governance consulting
On-demand copywriting
Creative direction in design and video production
Website flow and digital narrative design
Liaising with strategic planners, marketers, social media experts, advertising agencies and other industry professionals to help flesh out the execution of your new narrative
Special one-off projects for the right cause