Séamus Gearin, CAE

Writing about yourself is hard, so I had an AI chatbot do it for me. Awkward syntax aside, it was surprisingly accurate:

Seamus Gearin is a strategic storyteller who was born in Toronto. He has worked in many industries but found his home in the non-profit world. He is a Certified Association Executive (CAE) and has received recommendations for being a wonderful leader, technologically skilled individual and an all-around great person to work with.

I believe in using all of the tools available to get a job done well.

My decade supporting nonprofit associations, founding a volunteer-run online culture magazine, and time in many other industries has demonstrated that I have the unique ability to help solve many of the challenges cause-based organizations face.

Some of my experience includes: developing actionable strategies to elevate organizational impact, advanced stakeholder analyses, overseeing video production, technology overhauls, and, of course, crafting fresh organizational narratives.

My passion in life is to do good by supporting social, environmental and professional causes that contribute to building a better world.

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